About me & about blank cards

A of B Cards

About Me...

I am  a very small independent publisher of fine art blank greeting cards. Supplying to the independent retailers of Great Britain  and shoppers across the world over the last 24 years.  The artists are predominantly British with a number of international artists thrown in.

My ethos is to remain small and niche. However, I am still in the publishing business after all this time.  I have a passion for it.  And I have a passion for  my retailers; for my cards; for my artists and for my shoppers.  And of course primarily for the art itself.

The cards are all the same size with the same beautiful brown craft envelope and protected with a cello wrap bag.         A perfect, tiny, timeless gift.


If you are a retailer then you may be interested to know about my unique method of supplying to your wonderfully independent shop. If you are a shopper then please select what you love, consider what you might love and reject what you don't love.  And of course continue with your purchase.

...and about blank cards

"Blank art cards are simply the best forms of personal communication ever created."  This was not said by a cat loving Oxford Don on her retirement after receiving over one hundred blank art cards containing cats, but humbly from the lips of  a rather precocious child of eight on a car journey to west Wales. 

It is, though, true.  Why?

They are a communication of the soul. When you write "Thank you for a lovely evening" after a memorable  time with friends it is significant.  Texting, emailing, zooming ..do they compare ?  Your hand written note in a purchased blank art card (purchased, paid for by your own sweat and blood. Not free, not quick, not easy but complex and time consuming and well thought out and matching your taste of art or humour or sentiment to theirs)  in a luxury, hand written addressed envelope  and delivered by a wonderfully happy, chatty  post man or woman.  Can that really compare to pressing a button on a phone? I really do wonder.

Our lives are punctuated by joy and sadness  amongst the day to day.  Love, loss, hope, longing, endurance, celebration, disappointment, achievement,  we can mark them all with a message in a blank card to our loved ones because it holds  so much more meaning. Blank greeting cards are a tiny measure of our love for each other; our compassion for each other and our joy for each other.  They enable us to say what we want and how we want to say it.  This is what has kept me publishing throughout all these wonderful years. I love to discover the art work, design the card, publish the card, sell the card and know that the person sending it (you)  and receiving it (your friend or relation)  is touched in some way by it.

You should never underestimate how important your card might be.  Chosen carefully and thoughtfully it has all the power of a big sloppy kiss and hug or better still a tear in the eye for joy, sorrow or loss.  If you are over forty you might already know this. Under forty you might also know this but if you don't, you do now. 

Do you have a card drawer yet? Buying now and putting them in your card drawer is a sure fire way of ensuring you have the right card at the right time for the right person.  Not having a card drawer?  Well, the consequences are too serious to mention on a website.

Oh, and I do love to analyse  how well a card is doing and why.  What makes one card popular and another not so.  It defies logic sometimes.  As I develop this website I hope to be able, occasionally,  share this weird and wonderful world with you...if it interests you, that is.

I do hope you enjoy looking through these pages and ordering something for yourself to give to another or as an independent  retailer buying something for yourself and then selling it to another.


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